Educational Effectiveness Student Achievement
四虎影院 is committed to the continuous improvement of our academic programs by aligning our curriculum to the highest standards in the respective academic programs and regularly assessing student learning. The richness of a four-year college education can not be captured by a few numbers and charts. However, 四虎影院 is committed to documenting student achievement across the curriculum. This page links to a range of assessment documents, providing glimpses into student learning in the student's major and in general education courses.
Retention and Graduation Rates
Retention and graduation rates are provided, disaggregated by gender, race, and ethnicity. The most recent 4-year graduation rate is 70.3% and the 6-year rate is 71.7%. Retention and Graduation Rates
Institutional Learning Outcomes
四虎影院's broadest learning goals are embedded in seven institutional learning outcomes. Each year one ILO is the focus of a college-wide assessment effort. Summaries of results are presented here.
Christian Understanding, Practices and Affections
Global Awareness was assessed at the General Education level as World History and Thinking Globally in 2016-17 Global Awareness 2023-2024
Competence in Oral Communication 2017-18 | Information Literacy 2021-23 |
Competence in Written Communication
| Quantitative Literacy
Critical Thinking
| Diversity
General Education Learning Outcomes
In the general education program, students explore a number of branches of human knowledge and inquiry. General education learning outcomes provide a sampling of learning across many disciplines.
In addition, the following general education learning outcomes are assessed as part of concurrent institutional learning outcome assessment: Biblical and Theological Canons, World History in Christian Perspective, Thinking Globally, Cross-Cultural Communication, Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning, Writing-Intensive Courses, and Speech-Intensive Courses.
Academic Majors - Program Learning Outcomes
Major fields of study give students the opportunity for an in-depth study of the theories, knowledge, and methods of an academic discipline. Snapshots of student achievement can be seen through the assessment of program learning outcomes.
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Data Analytics
- Economics & Business
- Education
- Engineering
- English Modern Language
- English
- History
- Kinesiology
- Mathematics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology & Anthropology
- Theatre Arts