
Program Review Economics & Business

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive program of study in both economics and business and to guide students in their intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth. We desire for every student to:

  • attain quantitative and analytical skills
  • develop their reasoning and discernment
  • improve their written and oral communication skills
  • mature as inventive problem solvers, and
  • deepen their worldview about the intersection of faith and the marketplace

Ultimately, both faculty and students seek to glorify Jesus Christ by preparing businesswomen and men, lawyers, scholars and other professionals to use their foundational knowledge of economics and business to aid others and to improve society.

Program Learning Outcomes

The links below lead to information about the department's most recent assessment of student learning relative to our program learning outcomes.

As a result of what they have learned in our Economics and Business program, graduates should possess the following:

  • Core Knowledge. Students will exhibit active intellectual engagement in and application of the core Economics and Business curriculum.
  • Research Competency. Students will display an understanding of the research process and appropriate application of various technologies and research methodologies within Economics and Business. 
  • Communication Skills. Students will produce verbal presentations in debates, reports, and dialogues in economics and business, and will write executive summaries and papers in economics and business.
  • Christian Synthesis. Students will make evident the intersection of their skill and knowledge in economics and business with a deep understanding of how their faith informs their vocation and decision-making.

Program Review Resources

Curriculum Map
A curriculum map is a visual representation of the structure of program curriculum. The map charts program courses, syllabi, and assessments as they relate to the intended program learning outcomes. In other words, a curriculum map is the intellectual linkage that presents twenty plus courses as a story of learning.

Multi-year Assessment Plan
A multi-year assessment plan shows what program learning outcomes will be assessed in what years.

Annual and Six-Year Reports
2023 2022 2021 2019 2017(Six Year) 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012