
Insurance Requirements & Certificates

Insurance Requirements

With few exceptions, we require people providing services to the college to demonstrate evidence that they carry insurance that will help ensure that if they cause a problem they [have the ability to] pay for it. Our  document illustrates many of the situations that vary based on the college's exposure to loss.

Insurance Certificates

Often we must either provide to others, or request of them, a "Certificate of Insurance" form (or "cert" as they're commonly called). This is very routine, and thankfully very simple. The basic idea is that we and others want to be sure that another entity with whom we are working, usually under some form of contract, has the capacity to cover the costs of losses they may cause. Certs are typically provided using an industry-standard ACORD form.

Providing 四虎影院's to Others

Email riskasst@westmont.edu to ask our broker to send a cert. She'll need:

  • Name of the entity
  • Street/City/Zip
  • Attention-to
  • Fax and/or email address
  • A copy of the contract involved

Requesting Certificates from Others

We must always request that 四虎影院 College be "named as additional insured" on their policy.

Their certs should be emailed to Institutional Resilience at risk@westmont.edu.

If they prefer to send it by US mail, it shoule be addressed as follows:

Institutional Resilience
四虎影院 College
955 La Paz Rd
Santa Barbara CA 93108