Prior Year Counts
The panels below reflect the annual counts for the Semester Weekdays (SW) and All Other Days (AOD) in the Traffic Count Years (TCY) since the condition was established in 2007.
TCY22 includes 175 days on which staffing redeployment due to Covid affected our routine count collection (coded CI for Covid Impact); plus 3 days in Feb during which technical difficulties prevented capture of accurate counts.
TCY21 includes 31 Covid Days (CD; would otherwise have been SW) because the campus was vacated when classes were suspended as a result of Covid. Due to the lower traffic counts these were more like AODs and were thus aggregated into that column. It also includes 256 days on which staffing redeployment due to Covid affected our routine count collection (coded CI for Covid Impact). Although no Semester Weekdays were captured during this Traffic Count Year, for much of this time our student and staff census was down due to lower enrollment and remote work, so average trip counts would have been lower than usual.
TCY20 includes 39 Covid Days (CD; would otherwise have been SW) because the campus was vacated when classes were suspended as a result of Covid. Due to the lower traffic counts these were more like AODs and were thus aggregated into that column.
A data collection glitch prevented reporting of eight days in mid January (see blue hilited rows).
TCY18 includes 37 Evacuation Days (ED; 17 would otherwise have been SW, and 20 AOD ) when the campus was under evacuation order during the Thomas Fire, 1/9 Debris Flow, and subsequent storms. Due to the lower traffic counts these were more like AODs and were thus aggregated into that column.
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 14-15
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY15 Traffic Count Year will be set forth below.
The first "Semester Weekday" of this Traffic Count Year will be Monday 9/01/14. The last day of this Traffic Count Year will be Thursday 5/07/15.
Period type | ay15 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,701 | 3,500 |
all other days | 1,658 | 2,500 |
NOTE: Underground utilitiy work interfered with radar counters several days in August and Setember. We are not aware of any practical way to recover accurate counts for this period. To offset this impact ADT counts for the remainder of the traffic count year will start as of Oct 1st.
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY15.
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 13-14
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY14 Traffic Count Year will be set forth below.
The first "Semester Weekday" of this Traffic Count Year was Monday 8/26/13. The last day of this Traffic Count Year will be Thursday 4/30/14.
period type | ay14 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,797 | 3,500 |
all other days | 1,555 | 2,500 |
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY14.
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 12-13
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY13 Traffic Count Year will be set forth below.
The first "Semester Weekday" of this Traffic Count Year was Monday 8/27/12. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/2/13.
period type | ay13 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,772 | 3,500 |
all other days | 1,579 | 2,500 |
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY13
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 11-12
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY12 Traffic Count Year will be set forth below.
The first "Semester Weekday" of this Traffic Count Year was Monday 8/29/11. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/3/12.
period type | ay12 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,758 | 3,500 |
all other days | 1,542 | 2,500 |
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY12.
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 10-11
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY11 Traffic Count Year will be set forth below.
The first "Semester Weekday" of this Traffic Count Year was Monday 8/30/10. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/5/11.
While Completing Phase I Construction
The 四虎影院 here pre-date the determination of the end of Phase I on November 22, 2010.*
period type | ay11 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,746 | 3,758 |
all other days | 1,716 | 2,650 |
After Completing Construction
The 四虎影院 here run from November 23,2010, the first day after issuance of the last permit for the new construction work related to Phase I.
period type | ay11 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,905 | 3,458 |
all other days | **1,444 | 2,500 |
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
** - Due to the restart of the calculation at 11/23/10 and the fact that the period since then includes the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, this value appears abnormally low. The AllOtherDays average for April and the first five days of May 2011 was 2,121.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY11.
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 09-10
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY10 Traffic Count Year will be set forth below.
The first "Semester Weekday" of this Traffic Count Year was Monday 8/31/9. The last day of this Traffic Count Year was Thursday 5/6/10.
period type | ay10 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 3,077 | 3,718 |
all other days | 1,633 | 2,650 |
The cumulative averages have been increased by 30 trips per day to reflect that after the Tea Fire there are only five homes generating regular traffic, rather than the eight which existed previously. Once construction is underway for rebuilding on those properties, the count value will be adjusted accordingly. (The monthly counts before August do not reflect this adjustment.)
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY10.
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 08-09
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY09 Traffic Count Year (starting 5/2/8) are set forth below.
Prior to Commencing Construction
The 四虎影院 here pre-date the issuance of building permits on 11/12/8.
period type | ay09 daily averages | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,479 | 3,418 |
all other days | 1,437 | 2,500 |
After Commencing Construction
The 四虎影院 here run from 11/12/8, the date building permits were issued, thru 5/7/9, the end of the Academic Year 08-09 Traffic Count Year.
period type | ay09 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 3,047 | 3,718 |
all other days | 1,480 | 2,650 |
* - The cumulative averages after 11/13/2008 have been increased by 30 trips per day to reflect that for the balance of the Traffic Count Year after the Tea Fire there are only five homes generating regular traffic, rather than the eight which existed previously. (The monthly counts were published before taking this factor into account,and do not reflect this adjustment.)
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY09
Cumulative Average Daily Trips for Academic Year 07-08
The cumulative Average Daily Trips on Cold Spring Rd attributable to 四虎影院 for Semester Weekdays and for All Other Days during the AY08 Traffic Count Year are set forth below.
period type | ay08 daily averages* | current limit |
semester weekdays | 2,822 | 3,418 |
all other days | 1,644** | 2,500 |
* - The year-to-date 四虎影院 appear here, and are updated each time another set of data is posted.
** - Does not include the summer of 2007 prior to early return of students for the Fall semester. Counters were operational as of 8/7/7.
Click for more detailed traffic counts from TCY08.