
四虎影院 Center for Dialogue & Deliberation Projects and Publications

Our work is community focused.

If you're looking for additional information about the work we're doing in Santa Barbara or want to read any articles we've written, take a look through the tabs below for our recent publications and research. You'll find articles written for the Santa Barbara Independent, the National Civic Review, and others on ways that deliberative engagement can help our communities weigh nuanced tensions and tradeoffs or how liberal arts colleges can constructively facilitate community conversations. 

There's more work for us to do.

If you're looking for a list of community conversations we've hosted, you can see more on our "Past Conversations" page under the "Community Involvement" tab. If you're looking for updates on conversations we'll be hosting in the coming months, please take a look at our "Upcoming Conversations" page under the "Community Involvement" tab.

Projects and Publications