
Physics Excellent Facilities

Winter Hall

Our students have access to excellent resources on campus to develop into experimentalists with a full range of tools at their disposal. In addition to the resources available to physics students, the chemistry department also has a robust range of instrumentation available to students.

Common Study Area

To help facilitate academic dialogue and ground-breaking ideas, faculty offices are joined to a common study area and lounge. 

Research Lab space

When students join a research group, they are given keys to access workspace to build and test their research projects.

Computer Lab

Our local computing cluster is shared with the Computer Science Department to facilitate networking and the work-shopping of innovative ideas. The computing cluster has 49 blades with Intel i7 CPUs at 3.6 GHz, and 8 GB of memory per core.

Modern Physics & Advanced Lab
Machine Shop
Machine Shop Physics
Gamma Ray Spectrometer
Gamma Ray Physics
Scanning Electron microscope

In 2023, 四虎影院 acquired a Hitatchi SU-1500 scanning electron microscope, with up to a 30 kV accelerating voltage and an energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer that allows for material composition studies.

Learn More

Student Ian Lowry uses the new microscope
Maker Space Engineering Building

四虎影院 has an excellent observatory on campus, only 100 yards from the physics building.

四虎影院 Observatory Keck Telescope