Music Current Student Scholarships
Current students who hold a music scholarship and are successfully engaging in their music scholarship obligations do not have to re-apply to continue their music scholarships. The only requirements are to enroll in the appropriate private lesson(s) and assigned ensemble(s). Current students may apply once a year for reconsideration of your scholarship award if they currently hold one and feel that they merit an increase, or for consideration for a new award if you did not receive one as an entering student. Awards are considered based on your demonstrated skills and commitment in lessons and ensembles. For those who hold an award no additional audition is required, your jury will be considered as your audition. Please be sure to indicate on your jury form that you have applied for re-consideration of your music scholarship by completing the application. Those who are not current recipients should 四虎影院 the Music Office to arrange an audition. Applications made in the fall semester may be deferred to the spring semester for consideration as additional funds are typically not available at that time. Use the online form found linked below. No letters of recommendation are required for students who are or have been enrolled in 四虎影院 ensembles or lessons. If you have not participated in the 四虎影院 music program, please have a letter of recommendation from a prior or current music instructor sent to us by the appropriate deadline. Application submission dates are the same as those for prospective students:
March 1 - for consideration for the following fall
December 1 - for consideration for Spring semester awards (see below)
Music scholarships are typically awarded only in the spring semester for the following academic year. However, applications from current students requesting either an augmentation of their scholarship or consideration for a new award, may be made in the fall term and will be considered if funds are available. The priority consideration date for fall applications is December 1. Applications received by December 1 will receive consideration prior to the start of the spring term. If no funds are available these applications will be rolled over for consideration in our regular awarding cycle in March. Applications received after December 1 will be considered in our regular awarding cycle in March. Students may only submit one application per academic year (see instructions for current students above).
Audition Requirements (For new scholarship applications only. Not for reconsideration)
All auditions, whether recorded or live, should include the following items/repertoire if possible:
- Two songs of contrasting style. The inclusion of classical art song repertoire, and/or opera and oratorio arias, and a representation of a foreign language is required. All recorded performances should be recorded acoustically, without the aid of amplification, microphone or sound system other than for recording purposes.
- A list of current repertoire. (A listing of all solo music that you have studied in the past year or feel capable of performing on short notice).
- Two pieces of contrasting styles; a movement from a classical sonata or concerto is required; orchestral excerpts are also appropriate.
- A list of current repertoire. (A listing of all solo music that you have studied in the past year or feel capable of performing on short notice).
- Two pieces of contrasting styles; a movement from a classical sonata or concerto is required.
- A list of current repertoire. (A listing of all solo music that you have studied in the past year or feel capable of performing on short notice).
- Two pieces of contrasting styles; a composition by J. S. Bach is required.
- A list of current repertoire. (A listing of all solo music that you have studied in the past year or feel capable of performing on short notice).
- Two pieces of contrasting styles; a movement from a classical sonata or concerto is required.
- A list of current repertoire. (A listing of all solo music that you have studied in the past year or feel capable of performing on short notice).
- Two pieces of contrasting styles including one piece from classical repertoire that demonstrates music-reading skills
- A list of current repertoire. (A listing of all solo music that you have studied in the past year or feel capable of performing on short notice).
- Prepare an audition that demonstrates your skills, including music reading, that may include a snare drum piece, a mallet piece using two to four mallets, and a selection for timpani involving two to four drums. A demonstration of skills in all three areas is desired, but auditions with only one or two of these areas will be considered.
- A drum set performance may be included if the student wishes to contribute to the Jazz Ensemble. Note: There are numerous opportunities for percussionists at 四虎影院 to participate in worship bands, but these are not a part of the Music Department curriculum and do not fulfill the ensemble requirement for holding a music scholarship.
Some combination of one or more of the following:
- 2-3 notated scores
- 2-3 recordings of live performances
- MIDI or audio recordings of 2-3 representative pieces
Composers who have strength in a performance area (voice or instrument) are encouraged to submit a sample of their abilities in that area as well