
Eastern Europe Global Education

The Balkans Semester

The Balkans Semester for the Study of War and Peace (Gordon College) is an interdisciplinary, humanities-based program centered around the themes of war and peace, conflict and reconciliation. The program will provide students a unique opportunity to study these themes while learning first-hand from people on both sides of recent wars and genocides who are grappling with problems of justice and forgiveness and with navigating a path toward sustainable peace. For the first two months, students live in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. The third month students travel for a 10-day sojourn through the Balkans. The semester concludes on the island of Vis in the town of Komiza. (Open to all majors)

LCC International University, Klaipeda, Lithuania

Imagine studying in a country where people once isolated behind the Soviet Iron Curtain are striving to repair and recreate society--a country bursting with the energy of independence, freedom and possibility. Study Abroad Lithuania gives you the chance to forge new relationships, explore different ways of doing things, and experience a shift of perspective while earning college credit, traveling, and gaining that elusive 鈥渓ife experience.鈥 While at LCC International University, you will meet people who have survived the struggle for freedom and live life differently as a result. Both in class and out, you get real-life, real-time training that will equip you to take an active role in a diverse global community. (Open to all majors)

Mathematics Semester in Budapest, Hungary

The Mathematics Semester is a program of St. Olaf College operated in country by the Mathematical Institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of Eotvos University, Budapest. Classes are held on the College International Campus of the Technical University Budapest. Students have the opportunity to pursue three mathematics courses and one intercultural course, as well as excursions to other cities in Europe. Students eligible for the program must have at least sophomore status, be in good academic standing, and have completed one semester of advanced calculus (a first course in the theory of analysis) or abstract algebra by the start of the program. (Math majors only)