
Art Major & Minor Concentration Art History

The Art History major invites students to understand art and culture in context and become attentive to the power of the visual arts in our world. Students are challenged to understand the visual arts as a dynamic, powerful domain of human culture, and to engage that world with imagination, integrity and initiative. An inherently interdisciplinary study, Art History majors develop visual and intellectual skills useful for understanding cultural dynamics far beyond the classroom and art museum. Graduates from our program have taken these skills into work in the academy and the church, in international development and industry, in health care and non-profit work.

Requirements for Art History Major (45 units)

Required Basic Core (13 units)

ART 010 2-D Design (4)
ART 015 Drawing I (4)
ART 093 Sophomore Project (1)
ART 131 Theory and Criticism in the Arts (4)

History Cognate (4 units)

One of the following: (4)

        HIS 099 Foundations of History (4)
        HIS 198 Senior Research Seminar (4)

Lower Division Electives (8 units)

Two of the following: (8)

        ART 021 Art History: Prehistoric to Gothic (4)
        ART 022 Art History: Renaissance to Modern (4)
        ART 023 Introduction to World Art (4)
        IS 123, 126, or 128 Europe Semester (4)

Upper Division Electives (20 units)

At least five of the following: (20)

        ART 124 Italian Renaissance Art (4)
        ART 126 Seventeenth Century Art (4)
        ART 127 Nineteenth Century Art (4)
        ART 128 Modern and Contemporary Art (4)
        ART 129 Special Topics in the History of Art (4)
        ART 132 Museum Studies (4)
        ART 133 Art, Theology and Worship (4)
        ART 134 Land into Landscape: The Anthroposcenic Imagination (4)

Requirements for Art History Minor (24 units)

Two of the following: (8)

        ART 021 Art History: Prehistoric to Gothic (4)
        ART 022 Art History: Renaissance to Modern (4)
        ART 023 Introduction to World Art (4)
        IS 123, 126, or 128 Europe Semester (4)

Four of the following: (16)

        ART 124 Italian Renaissance Art (4)
        ART 125 Northern Renaissance Art (4)
        ART 126 Art of Early Modern Europe (4)
        ART 127 Nineteenth Century Art (4)
        ART 128 Modern and Contemporary Art (4)
        ART 129 Special Topics in the History of Art (4)
        ART 131 Theory and Criticism in the Arts (4)
        ART 132 Museum Studies (4)
        ART 133 Art, Theology and Worship (4)
        ART 134 Land Into Landscape: The Anthroposcenic Imagination (4)