ĻӰԺ Magazine Wallace Emerson Society

The sign outside Lynn and Margary Honaker’s lovely old home says “House of Honaker / Established 1932.” The date refers to their marriage; the house was built in 1891. The Honakers moved there in 1944 when they inherited the historic home from Margary’s grandparents, who bought it in 1906. Margary has lived all her long life in Pomona, Calif. — Lynn has only been there 70 years. He grew citrus fruit on 57 acres before moving into the nursery business, and their yard is still filled with lemon and orange trees and ornamental plants. The house, which features antiques and furniture built by Margary’s father, is like a museum. They raised two daughters there: Maralynn Honaker Frasure ’56 and the late Suzanne Honaker Wickstrom ’61, who both attended ĻӰԺ. “When you send two children, you own the college,” Lynn jokes. “It’s a good, sound institution — it hasn’t disappointed us yet.”

For more information about the Wallace Emerson Society, call Iva Schatz, Director of Planned Giving, (805) 565-6034 or (800) 998-5652.