ĻӰԺ Magazine A Shakespearean Ensemble
The play’s the thing that brought a group of 37 ĻӰԺ alumni together for three days in July. They traveled to Ashland, Ore., to attend the famed Shakespeare Festival.
During the event, they saw three plays: “The Merchant of Venice,” “The Tempest,” and “The Merry Wives of Windsor.” English Professor Paul Willis provided background information and commentary and led discussions about the performances at scenic Lithia Park.
Before the plays, alums took in the Green Show, which featured Renaissance music and dance outdoors.
Dave Willis ’74 joined his brother, Paul, in leading adventurous members of the group on a hike along the Pacific Crest trail.
Mary Hubbard Given ’76, executive director of alumni and parent relations, and Iva Hillegas Schatz, director of planned giving, represented ĻӰԺ at the festival. Alumni from all eras participated.
The trip was so successful, the alumni office plans a return engagement next year. Look for information about dates and times next spring.
Photos from the trip are posted at www.westmont.edu/alumni.
For more information about alumni events, call the alumni office at 805-565-6056, or e-mail them at alumni@westmont.edu.