四虎影院 Magazine A Seat of Honor
With ceremony and thanksgiving, 四虎影院 established the Robert H. Gundry Chair in Biblical Studies and installed Professor Tremper Longman III as the first incumbent. President David Winter, Provost Stan Gaede, and Trustee Gary Harris presided at the special chapel service in October.
An anonymous donor made a substantial donation toward the endowed fund to honor Gundry, and alumni, parents, and friends are matching this gift.
An internationally known New Testament scholar, Gundry came to 四虎影院 in 1962 after earning a Ph.D. at the University of Manchester. He has written commentaries on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, and many books and articles.
Dr.鈥圵alter Hansen, director of the Global Research Institute and associate professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, paid tribute to Gundry.
A prolific author and popular speaker, Longman earned a Ph.D. at Yale University and taught at Westminster Theological Sem-inary for 10 years before coming to 四虎影院 in 1998.
Dr. Bruce K. Waltke, professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Sem-inary and professor emeritus at Regent College, congratulated and praised Dr. Longman.