ĻӰԺ Magazine Publications, Presentations, and Participation
Bruce Fisk (Associate Professor of New Testament), “Three Takes on ‘The Passion of the Christ,’” published online by Beliefnet, www.beliefnet.com/story/139/ story_13978_1.html.
Robert Gundry (Scholar in Residence), “Richard A. Horsley’s ‘Hearing the Whole Story,’ a Critical Review of its Postcolonial Slant,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament, December 2003.
“The Burden of Christ’s Passion,”published online by the Society of Biblical Literature in The SBL Forum, www.sbl-site.org/default.aspx.
Chris Hoeckley (Director of the Institute of Liberal Arts), “Bearing Nourishing Fruit: Finding and Following a Calling through Liberal and Professional Education,” Keynote Address to Communication Connection 2004: Character, Calling, and Careers, Center for Communication and Business at Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif., March 17, 2004.
Russell Howell (Professor of Mathematics), three presentations in March at “Creativity and Discovery,” Wheaton College’s annual science symposium, including, “The Subject and Object of Creativity.”
“Does the Success of Mathematics Defeat Naturalism?” presented at “Christianity and the Soul of the University,” a conference at Baylor University.
Tremper Longman III (Robert Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies), “Narrative Impulses in the Interpretation of Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs: A Reappraisal,” presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the Biblical Colloquium West in San Diego, Calif., Feb. 6, 2004.
A Polish translation of his book “Dictionary of Biblical Imagery” and a Czech translation of “Old Testament Introduction.”
“The Old Testament in Its Ancient Near Eastern Setting,” a Ph.D. seminar at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; and “Proverbs,” a seminar at Canadian Theological Seminary, Toronto, and Fuller Theological Seminary, Irvine Campus.
Chandra Mallampalli (Assistant Professor of History), “British Missions and Indian Nationalism: Imitation and Autonomy in Calcutta and Madras, 1880-1911,” in “Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions” edited by Andrew Porter, Eerdmans, 2003.
Two entries to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Protestantism: “The Church of South India,” and “Christian Mass Movements.”
Susan Penksa (Associate Professor of Political Science), presented “Defining the Enemy: EU and US Threat Perceptions After 9/11,” at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs International Workshop on “European Security after September 11 and the War in Iraq,” February 19-21, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
Co-authored “The Variable Geometry of Security Cooperation: A Policy Framework for European Integration,” presented at the 45th Annual International Studies Association Convention, March 17-20, 2004, Montreal, Canada.
Ray Paloutzian (Professor of Psychology) will discuss publishing scholarship in the psychology of religion at the American Psychological Association meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, in July.
Guest professor, faculty of psychology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in Belgium this summer.
John Rodkey (Associate Director of Information Technology) returns to Israel June 11 – July 24, as director of computing at the Zeitah archaeological excavation in south-central Israel.
Greg Spencer (Professor of Communication Studies ), “Confession,” a poem in Anthology magazine.
“The Slaughter of Innocence,” an address at Pepperdine University’s Communication Connection conference in March.
Panel moderator at a Communication Ethics conference at Azusa Pacific University in April and panelist at a workshop on “Religion and the Media,” sponsored by ĻӰԺ and UC Santa Barbara’s Walter Capps Center on Religion in Public Life.
Jim Taylor (Professor of Philosophy) attended the annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the Society of Christian Philosophers in April in Chicago.
David Vander Laan (Assistant Professor of Philosophy) presented “How to Wiggle out of Purgatory,” at the Pacific Division Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers.
Randy VanderMey (Professor of English) presented a workshop, “Organizing Writing Through Major Moves,” at the 14th Annual Bakersfield College/CSU Bakersfield Building Bridges Retreat.
David Winter (Chancellor) delivered the 2004 commencement address at Gordon College in Massachusetts.