ĻӰԺ Magazine Publications, Presentations, and Participation

Dana Alexander (director of career and life planning) “Recipe for Frustration: Mixing up Job Search with Career Exploration,” Career Convergence online magazine, September. “Taking ‘Career’ out of the Career Center,” Association for Christians in Student Development Conference, John Brown University.

Stan Anderson (professor of chemistry) “Structural Studies of Polymers: Fun, Exciting and Useful Science!” Phi Kappa Phi lecture, ĻӰԺ, February. “Structural Studies of Monomers and Oligomers of Polyhedral Silsesquioxane (POSS) Materials Using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry,” Collaborative Research Center Symposium on Transition Metal Oxides: Clusters, Surfaces, and Solids, Berlin, Germany, March. Presentation, 2004 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Molecular Dynamics and Theoretical Chemistry Contractor’s Meeting, Newport, R.I., May. Co-author, “Characterization of sodiated polyhedral oligomeric silsequioxanes (POSS) isomers with mixed styryl/epoxystyryl capping agents,” Nano Letters, 2004.
Co-author, “A Solid State NMR Experiment: Analysis of Local Structural Environments in Phosphate Glasses,” Journal of Chemical Education, 2004.
Recipient, $3,000 grant, Edwards Air Force Base, undergraduate summer research. Senior research associate status renewed, National Academies of Sciences/National Research Council.

George Ayoub (professor of biology) Presentation, glaucoma research, annual Neuroscience Research Institute meeting, May.
Recipient, Alcon Research funding, glaucoma studies.

Steve Butler (professor of music) “The Integration of Form for Composition Pedagogy,” National Conference of the College Music Society, San Francisco, November.

Ronald Enroth (professor of sociology) “Churches that Abuse,” Russian translation.

Cheri Larsen Hoeckley (associate professor of English) Seminar on Flaubert’s novel “Sentimental Education,” National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park. Aspen Institute Seminar on Citizenship in the American Polity, Wye River Conference Center, August.

Thomas D. Jayawardene (professor of sociology) Visiting professor of philosophy, religion and sociology at the International Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, Rome, Italy. “Opportunities and Challenges for Asian Intellectuals in Western Universities and Colleges,” panel participant and presenter, East-West Perspectives in Higher Education seminar, Mumbai, India.

Karen Jobes (associate professor of New Testament) “The Queen is Dead! Long Live the Queen! A Response to Al Wolters’s ‘No Longer Queen: The Theological Disciplines and Their Sisters,’” Scripture and the Disciples conference, Wheaton College. Appointee, three-year term, executive committee, TNIV Committee on Bible Translation.

Kim Kihlstrom (assistant professor of computer science) recipient, 2004 ĻӰԺ Faculty Research Award. Chair, session on gender issues, ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Norfolk, Va. National Science Foundation workshop on using LEGO robots in the curriculum, Villanova University.

Tremper Longman III (Robert Gundry professor of biblical studies) “Exploring the Theme of the Messiah in the Torah and Writings,” Bingham Lectures at McMaster Divinity School, Toronto. “Ancient Near Eastern Background of the Psalms,” the Tyndale Lectures, Nantwich, England.

Bruce McKeown (professor of political science) Co-author, “‘God Bless America’: American Civil Religion and the Events of 9/11,” Journal of Human Subjectivity, fall 2003.

Edd Noell (professor of economics and business) “From Just Price to Just Wage: The Development of Scholastic Thought on Duty and Competition,” History of Economics Conference, University of Toronto, June.

Ray Paloutzian (professor of pyschology) Editorial board member: Mental Health, Religion and Culture, and the Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion.

Jeff Schloss (professor of biology) Co-editor, “Research on Altruism and Love,” Templeton Press. “Evolutionary Ethics,” Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, Macmillan Reference. “NeoDarwinism,” Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Mohr, Tuebingen. Grant recipient, Metanexus Institute, for Science and Religion Institute, ĻӰԺ. Grant recipient, Institute for Altruism Research. Co-director, “Nature and Belief,” international seminar for Christian faculty, Calvin College. Plenary lecturer, Wycliffe Hall Institute of Religion and Science, Oxford University. Talks on topics related to science and faith: American Academy of Religion, Association for Politics and Life Sciences, University of Georgia, Harvard University, and British Association for Christians in Science. Participant, interdisciplinary workshops on philosophical aspects of evolutionary theory, Stanford, Paris Institute de Paleontologie Humaine, and the Liberty Fund.

Jim Taylor (professor of philosophy) “In Those Days, Everyone Did What Was Right In His Own Eyes: A Defense of Morality and God,” South Valley Community Church Annual Apologetics Conference, “Culture in Crisis,” Gilroy, Calif., August.

David Vander Laan (assistant professor of philosophy) Participant, four-week seminar, “Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose,” Calvin College.