ĻӰԺ Magazine Prayer Brings Partners Together

Sometimes a quick decision can have a lasting effect, as Dave Hancock ’67 has learned.

“I praise God for the day I responded positively to a simple request from the ĻӰԺ Alumni Association that I consider having a current ĻӰԺ student as a prayer partner. My life will never be the same,” he states.

The student assigned to Dave was Patrick Steele ’97. Just a few months before he graduated, Patrick suffered a debilitating injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down.

“We keep in touch regularly, mostly by e-mail,” Dave explains. “Patrick has maintained a great attitude. In our communications, he has never spoken negatively about his situation.”

Dave has been inspired by Patrick’s courage and appreciates the opportunity to support him as he deals with the devastating results of his accident. “What an adventure it has been,” he says.

Their interaction has gone beyond e-mail. Two years ago, Dave and Patrick attended a football game between longtime rivals UC Los Angeles and USC.

“The only negative thing about Patrick is that he is an avid USC fan,” Dave notes. “I tried to tell him that UCLA would win the game, but he remained faithful in his rooting for the cardinal and gold. Of course, UCLA won!”

Dave also invited Patrick to speak to his Sunday school at Lake Avenue Congregational Church in Pasadena, Calif.

“Our class was deeply touched as he shared about all the positive things God is accomplishing in his life through this ’minor’ setback,” Dave says.

Although he majored in music at ĻӰԺ, Dave now works as a travel agent. He lives in Duarte, Calif., with his wife, Sandy. Their daughter, Michelle, recently got married in the same chapel at Lake Avenue Church where their wedding took place 26 years ago. The Hancocks also have a son who is in high school.

Dave was excited to hear good news from Patrick last fall: he is engaged to marry Carrie Hicks, who graduated from ĻӰԺ in 1998.

“Patrick and I still keep in touch, and we have a great relationship,” Dave says. “What a blessing he has been.”