ĻӰԺ Magazine Partners in Prayer

When Greg Weisman ’81 invited alumni/ae to become Prayer Partners with students, he hoped to encourage connections between ĻӰԺ people of the past and the present. With about 450 matches made so far, he expects to succeed. This year, Prayer Partners has linked about 900 people, including students and alumni/ae nationwide.

In September, Kilani Ventura ’59, the founder of Prayer Partners, worked with local alums to match students with partners—a month-long task which others just completed in October. To encourage the development of mentoring relationships, the “matchmakers” paid close attention to students’ majors and partners’ occupations.

Kilani explains, “The Prayer Partners project joins alums with students in a unique spiritual endeavor. It is a natural for ĻӰԺ because the college’s rich history has always reflected the importance of prayer. The very idea of ĻӰԺ was born out of the prayers, hopes, and vision of its founders. My hope is to see this exiting project grow to include legions of participants!”

To offer your support, encouragement, and prayers to a ĻӰԺ student, write: Greg Weisman, c/o the ĻӰԺ College Alumni Office, 955 La Paz Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108-1089; call (805) 565-6056; or send e-mail to mgiven@westmont.edu.