ĻӰԺ Magazine A Matter of Character

President David Winter is among 50 college and university presidents recognized for their outstanding leadership in the field of student character development in “The Templeton Guide: Colleges that Encourage Character Development,” a guidebook released nationwide in October.

ĻӰԺ is also one of just 100 institutions named to the prestigious Templeton Honor Roll, a designation the college has received in the past.

The Honor Roll recognizes colleges for their comprehensive commitment and programs that inspire students to lead ethical and civic-minded lives.

Designed for students, parents, and educators, “The Templeton Guide” contains profiles of 405 exemplary college programs in 10 categories; 50 college presidents who have exercised leadership in character development; and 100 colleges and universities named to the Templeton Honor Roll.

More than 300 four-year public and private colleges across the country are included in “The Templeton Guide.” Individual programs were selected in various categories.

ĻӰԺ’s programs in Faculty and Curriculum; Volunteer Service (in particular the student-led Potter’s Clay outreach to Mexico) and Character and Sexuality were singled out in the guide as exemplary.

Established in 1987, the John Templeton Foundation supports more than 100 programs serving three chief purposes: to encourage character development in schools and colleges; to encourage an appreciation for the benefits of freedom; and to stimulate serious and scientific research on the relationship between spirituality and health.

More information is available on their Web site: www.collegeandcharacter.org.