
Student Life Policies and Procedures Lost and Found

The College maintains a general lost-and-found service, with official collection points at the Admissions Switchboard and Physical Plant. Any item turned in to the Switchboard will be entered into a database of lost items. If we can identify the owner of an item, we will attempt to 四虎影院 the owner. If you lose something, you may dial (805) 565-6000 or come by the Admissions Switchboard and/or Campus Safety (805) 565-6222 during normal business hours to check the lost and found. After two weeks, lost-and-found items are taken to the Physical Plant Main Office. The Athletics office, the Dining Commons, Dorms and the Library also maintain lost-and-found services for their areas. Unclaimed items left for more than 90 days are considered abandoned and will be disposed of by the college. The college is not responsible for any items left on campus.


Properly lock your bike: Buy a heavy-duty U-shaped lock and always send it through your frame, your front tire (the quick release one) and the bike rack. Lock your bicycle to a rack: If you don鈥檛, your bicycle can be picked up and taken away by a thief.

If you bring a bike to campus it's your responsibility to remove it from campus at the end of spring semester. Any bikes left on campus after July 1 will be removed from campus and Ocean View apartments and disposed of by any means needed. Signs will be posted on student information boards.