ĻӰԺ Magazine Head + Heart = Prudent Giving
by Iva Hillegas Schatz
Director of Planned Giving
“Grow a wise heart—you’ll do yourself a favor, Keep a clear head—you’ll find a good life.” From Proverbs 19 as translated by Eugene Peterson
The word “prudent” frequently appears in discussions about investing. I’m convinced we should use it in connection with charitable giving as well. The ancient proverbs of King Solomon certainly encourage us to live life with both a wise heart and a clear head.
As I shift the focus of my work at ĻӰԺ from annual giving to planned giving, I believe it’s essential to help alums, parents, and friends of the college become prudent givers. Our planned giving program attempts to do this in three basic ways.
1. Awareness
We want to make you aware of planned giving. On the back cover of this magazine (and future issues as well), we will feature members of the Wallace Emerson Society. These people are “prudent givers” who have already told us they have made a future gift to the college through their will or estate plan. Our annual report will recognize all Wallace Emerson Society members and so raise awareness of the possibility of making planned gifts.
2. Education
In each issue of this magazine we will present general information explaining the benefits—for both the donor and the college—of various kinds of planned gifts. We will also send a planned giving newsletter, VANTAGE POINT, to those who wish more information. In addition to sending brochures and booklets about ways to make a gift, we have the computer capability to run a financial analysis on any potential donation you may be considering. All these educational services are available free of charge to the ĻӰԺ family.
3. Assistance
Your own tax advisers and financial and estate planners can offer you the best advice, but our staff is always available to assist in the process of planning your gift. Just call the college at 805-565-6000 and ask for John Watts, Glen Adams, or Iva Schatz to get more information or to discuss your desire to make a prudent donation to ĻӰԺ that fits your situation.
Individual resources vary, but Gods calls all of us to be good stewards of whatever we have. We can each take one step of stewardship no matter what our situation is—we can execute an up-to-date will. Any prudent giving plan should begin with this action. ĻӰԺ can help you with this process . If you would like our assistance, please use the coupon on this page. We would be pleased to hear from you.