
ËÄ»ąÓ°Ôș Magazine Faculty Footnotes

Activities and Awards for ËÄ»ąÓ°Ôș’s Outstanding Professors

GREGG AFMAN(kinesiology) presented “Effect of Carbohydrate or Sodium Bicarbonate Ingestion on Performance During a Validated Basketball Simulation Test,” at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting.

SCOTT ANDERSON (art) published a dual portrait of Amy Poehler and Tina Fey in Variety and a drawing in the Seattle Met.

HOLLY BEERS (religious studies) published her first book, “The Followers of Jesus as the Servant: Luke’s Model from Isaiah for the Disciples in Luke-Acts” (T&T Clark). She wrote “A Story that Teaches: The Theology of Acts” for Christian Reflection and presented “The Servant and the Conclusions of Acts and Isaiah,” at the Society of Biblical Literature.

JOHN BLONDELL (theatre arts) received an Indie award for directing Lit Moon’s production of “The Cherry Orchard.” He directed “The Pirates of Penzance” for the Riverside Repertory Theatre. He staged “Antony and Cleopatra” at the Bitola National Theatre in Macedonia. MITCHELL THOMAS and JONATHAN HICKS theatre arts) joined him at the Bitola Shakespeare Festival to present “Hamlet” and at the Bitola Summer Festival to present “The Cherry Orchard.”

GREY BROTHERS, NICHOLE DECHAINE and MICHAEL SHASBERGER (music) were soloists for a Santa Barbara City College performance of J.S. Bach’s “Magnificat.” At the VII Congreso Internacional de la AsociaciĂłn HispĂĄnica de Humanidades in Spain, DINORA CARDOSO (Spanish) presented “Polyphonic Discourse in ZoĂ© ValdĂ©s’s ‘La mujer que llora,’” and LEONOR ELÍAS (Spanish) discussed “A Pedagogical Approach to Juan Mayorga’s ‘Animales Nocturnos.’”

ALISTER CHAPMAN (history) wrote “The International Context of Secularization in England: The End of Empire, Immigration, and the Decline of Christian National Identity, 1945-70” for the Journal of British Studies.

STEPHEN CONTAKES (chemistry) is one of 25 members of the new Templeton-funded project “Bridging the Two Cultures of Science and the Humanities.” He co-authored “Nferrocenyl isonicotinamide, a redox-active 1D hydrogen-bonded chain structure capable of supporting a mixed-valent redox state” for Inorganic Chemistry Communications. He co-authored an article for God and Nature, “Breaking Barriers, Ministering in Relationships, and Exemplifying the Gospel: Tips for Using Science-Faith Dialogue to Promote Discipleship and Strengthen Local Churches.”

JESSE COVINGTON (political science) spoke on “The Pathway from Pre-Modernity: Mapping Grotius’ Location—A Response to Jeremy Geddert” at a conference, Nature: Ancient and Modern. He delivered “Pilgrim Politics: Augustinian Natural Law for a Pluralist Democratic Order” at the Henry Symposium on Religion and Public Life at Calvin College. He spoke at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on “Taken on Faith: The Concept of Religion in First Amendment Jurisprudence.”

PAUL DELANEY (English) wrote a review of “Synge and the Making of Modern Irish Drama” by Anthony Roche for Modern Drama.

MARY DOCTER (Spanish) presented “Bringing Them Home: Helping Students with Reentry” at the North American Christian Foreign Language Association’s annual meeting.

LEONOR ELÍAS (Spanish) spoke on cultural perspectives for advanced Spanish through theater at the Congreso de español como segunda lengua at the University of Costa Rica.

CHARLES FARHADIAN (religious studies) presented “Elections, Citizenship, and Globalization in the Context of Indonesia” at the International Conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Honan University in South Korea. He was a distinguished scholar at Yonsei University in Seoul during the fall 2014 semester and spoke on “Re-imagining World Christianity for Today” there. He wrote four chapters for the “Handbook of Religion” (Baker Academic). He presented “The Christ Event and the Immanent Turn in the Anthropology of Christianity” at the Society for the Anthropology of Religion.

An article by JAMIE FRIEDMAN (English),“Making Whiteness Matter: ‘The King of Tars,’” appeared in the journal postmedieval.

STEVE HODSON (music) conducted the Santa Barbara Master Chorale’s performance of “Canto General: Song of the People” by Mikis Theodorakis.

CHERI LARSEN HOECKLEY (English) gave the annual Women’s Studies Forum lecture at Bluffton University, “Men, Women, and the Stories We Tell about ‘Us.’” She wrote the entry on Adelaide Procter in Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature.

RUSSELL HOWELL (mathematics) spoke on “Mathematical Effectiveness and the Lewis- Anscombe Debate” at the Southern California meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation. He organized and presented “Revitalizing Complex Analysis” at two sessions at the joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America (MMA), which asked him to edit and write for the issue of the journal PRIMUS dedicated to this revitalization. During the spring semester he taught at the U.S. Air Force Academy and spoke at the Pikes Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference and the Service Academy Student Mathematics Conference. Her presented “Drawing a Blank” and “Revitalizing Complex Analysis” at the Rocky Mountain Sectional Meeting of the MAA and “Random Complex Functions with Weird Properties” at Colorado College. He wrote the lead essay for the issue of the journal Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith on mathematics.

NATHAN HUFF (art) gave an artist’s talk on his work at ArtsFund Gallery in Santa Barbara.

MICHELLE HUGHES (education) wrote: “Dispositions and the Pre-service Teacher” for the California Council on Teacher Education; and “Dispositions and the Christian Teacher” for the Association of Christian Schools International. She presented “Cultivating Professional Dispositions and a Heart for the Classroom” at the Future Educators Association conference.

DAVID HUNTER (mathematics) contributed several chapters to the New Mathways Project, a remedial curriculum developed by the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Association of Community Colleges.

PATTI HUNTER (mathematics) presented “From Vienna to New York: Abraham Wald’s Statistical Research and the American Mathematical Statistics Community,” at the History of Science Society meeting.

RICK IFLAND (economics and business) gave a lecture, “Millennials and the Bible” at the biannual meeting of the United Bible Societies in South Korea based on his research with Barna Global and also discussed “Why Young Christians are Leaving the Church.”

HAN SOO KIM (music) performed the Saint-Saens Violin Sonata and Missa: Anno Domini 2000 by Kenneth Helms at local venues.

TREMPER LONGMAN III (religious studies) wrote a chapter, “Qoheleth as Solomon: ‘For What Can Anyone Who Comes After the King Do?,’” for “Reading Ecclesiastes Intertextually.” He spoke on “The Hebrew Bible on the Promise and Limits of Wisdom’s Relationship to Law” at the Wisdom, Law, and Lawyers Conference at Pepperdine University School of Law. He wrote “The ‘Fear of God’ in the Book of Ecclesiastes” for the Bulletin of Biblical Research and “Getting Brutally Honest with God: The Psalms of Lament Invite Us to Voice Our Frustrations—and Provide a Reason to Hope” for Christianity Today.

MARK NELSON (philosophy) wrote “What the Utilitarian Cannot Think” for the journal Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.

EDD NOELL (economics and business) spoke on: “Wealth, Exchange, and the ‘Rights of the Poor’: New Testament Teaching in Light of Old Testament Conceptions and Institutions” at the Colloquium on the New Testament and Economics at Southwestern Baptist Seminary; and “Defending or Depriving the Rights of the Poor? Opportunism, Economic Justice and the Civil Authority in Pre-Exilic Israel” at the Association of Christian Economists.

TITO PAREDES (anthropology) wrote a chapter, “Reflections on the Mission Challenges and Opportunities of the Evangelical-Pentecostal Churches in Latin America,” for “Seeing New Facets of the Diamond: Christianity as a Universal Faith” (Regnum Africa). His article, “Expressions of Evangelism in Latin America” appeared in The International Review of Mission. He presented a plenary paper, “The LTF and 45 years of Interdisciplinary Theology,” at the 45th anniversary meeting of the Latin American Theological Fellowship in Brazil.

SUSAN PENKSA (political science) received a grant from the EU Delegation to the United States to create and lead a seminar on the EU and transatlantic security for the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey.

FRANK PERCIVAL, EILEEN MCQUADE and STEVE JULIO (all biology) and seven students presented posters and spoke at the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference.

SHARON TANG QUAN (English) presented “Faith and Identity in Gene Luen Yang’s Boxers and Saints” at the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association’s conference.

CARYN REEDER (religious studies) presented “Biblical Authority, Ethics, and Community Life,” at the Denver Seminary Biblical Studies Conference. She wrote “Gender, War, and Josephus” for the Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period. She presented “Colonized Bodies: The Rape of Children in 4 Ezra, Josephus, and Tacitus” at the Society of Biblical Literature.

HELEN RHEE (religious studies) presented: “Cyrian’s Reading of Paul on the Unity and Purity of the Church,” at the Society of Biblical Literature’s annual meeting; “The Poor as Healers and Caretakers of the Sick” at a conference on Shifting Frontiers XI: Poverty, Philanthropy, and Healthcare in Late Antiquity at the University of Iowa.

CARMEL SAAD (psychology) published “Domain Identification Moderates the Effect of Positive Stereotypes on Chinese American Women’s Math Performance” in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

JEFF SCHLOSS (biology) contributed a commentary for Behavior and Brain Sciences, “Poverty of Riches?: Alternative Hypotheses Undetermined by Data in Evolutionary Accounts of Religion.” He spoke at Calvin College’s Christian Perspectives on Science seminar on “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My: Evolution’s ‘Big Three’ Challenges to Theism.”

MICHAEL SHASBERGER(music) performed the leading role in performances of Haydn’s oratorio “Creation” with the California State Channel Islands choir and orchestra.

SARAH SKRIPSKY (English) wrote: “Spaciousness and Subjectivity in Alice Walker’s Womanist Prose: From Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Room of One’s Own’ to a ‘Garden with Every Color Flower Represented’” for a collection of essays on Virginia Woolf (Salem Press); and “Rereading McCutcheon’s Suffrage Plots: Rising Action in the Archive” for a special issue of Peitho, the journal of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition.

RUSSELL SMELLEY (kinesiology) presented “The Value of a Written Coach Philosophy” and “Transformative Coaching” to the Kansas Cross Country/ Track and Field Coaches Association. He was named Golden State Athletic Conference Coach of the Year for women’s cross country.

A poem by GREG SPENCER (communication studies), “Preemptive Kindness,” appeared in the Penwood Review.

MEAGAN STIRLING (art) presented “Graff Headz: Integrating Graffiti in Foundation Course” at the Foundations in Art: Theory and Education conference. She was the guest artist for the Santa Barbara Printmakers Juried Spring Exhibition.

JIM TAYLOR (philosophy) spoke at the West Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and presented “Faith and Knowledge” at the Pacific Regional Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers.

CYNTHIA TOMS(director of global education) received a grant (with others) from the Henry Luce Foundation for “Advancing International Service in U.S. Institutions of Higher Education.” She reported on “Global Engagement Survey: Concerns from a Community of Practice” at Duke University’s Symposium on Global Community Engagement.

An article by DAVID VANDER LAAN (philosophy), “The Concord of Molinism with Modal Voluntarism,” appeared in the journal Analysis.

PAUL WILLIS (English) contributed four poems to the book “Light upon Light: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.” JANE WILSON (education) and Paige Harris ’14 published “Ripples of Gratitude: The Flowon Effects of Practicing Gratitude in the Classroom Environment” in the Journal for the International Christian Community for Teacher Education.

RACHEL WINSLOW (history) presented a paper, “The Legacies of Voluntarism: International Adoption in the Twenty-First Century,” at the Western Association of Women Historians Conference.