ĻӰԺ Magazine Developing a Job

Most people apply for specific job openings, and most employers seek to fill specific spots. But it didn’t work that way for Rowdy Montgomery ’86, the new vice president of development at R.G. Brinkmann. When he learned that the successful construction company in Chester-field, Mo., was beginning to get involved in commercial real estate development, he sensed an opportunity to create a job for himself.

Rowdy approached R.G. Brinkmann’s owner, hoping to convince him that including development in the company’s services would add value to the business. His proposal was to create a new segment of the company where he would function in a leadership role to coordinate the multi-discipline teams involved in the development process. It turned out to be a very successful job interview, if somewhat unorthodox.

He now directs the expansion of Brinkmann’s consulting services to firms embarking on the development process for new facilities, a job for which he is well groomed. Formerly, he served as director of development for McEagle Development L.C., where he managed all facets of commercial real estate development within Missouri.

Rowdy is excited about his new opportunity and the “autonomy, creativity and upside participation” it provides him. He explains, “I am attracted to real estate development because of the creativity and technical mix that is required to complete a successful project.”

Rowdy graduated from ĻӰԺ with a degree in engineering physics and earned a second bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Washington University. He currently serves on the board of directors for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He and his wife, Shelly, have a 3-year-old daughter, McKenna, and a 16-month-old son, Logan. They attend Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church in Chesterfield, Mo.