ĻӰԺ Magazine Come, Stay, Grow, and Go

By Karen Reed Ray ’70

“O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help. As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”

Isaiah 30:19-21

The Lord has used the ĻӰԺ College staff and faculty to direct me in many significant and life-changing ways. I think of this blessing as Come, Stay, Grow and Go.

COME In the spring of my junior year of high school, I attended a youth meeting in the Oakland hills. Ralph Anderson , then associate director of admissions, introduced me to ĻӰԺ and urged me to apply. Robert Gundry, a guest Bible teacher at Mt. Hermon Christian Conference Center and professor of New Testament and Greek, endorsed this encouragement that summer. The Lord arranged our meeting during a horseback ride. He answered many of my questions and affirmed Ralph’s counsel to apply. Although I was accepted to UC Berkeley and San Francisco State, I knew the Lord had used Ralph Anderson and Robert Gundry to direct my path to ĻӰԺ when I received my letter of admission from Bill Gowler, director of admissions.

STAY At the end of my sophomore year at ĻӰԺ, my financial resources changed, and I thought I’d have to leave unless I received a California State Scholarship for 1968-69. My name went on the alternate list with high expectations that I’d be nominated as a State Scholar due to the strong likelihood that many original nominees would decline their awards. But that year, most nominees accepted their awards, so only the first 100 alternates got scholarships. I was No. 101! When I called Alice Meyers, ĻӰԺ’s financial aid officer, to tell her I couldn’t afford to return, she said, “No, Karen. We want you to come back. Mrs. Meyers will find a way.” And she did. Thanks to her, an anonymous donor provided the funds to cover my tuition costs that fall, and I was able to stay!

GROW Jan William Kingma, literature professor, brilliant philosopher, wise mentor, compassionate friend and committed follower of Christ, taught me much more than English literature and Shakespeare. He shared extraordinary life lessons and demonstrated the spirit, mind and heart of Jesus as he wove together lessons about faith, art, life, love and education in his English classes. His quotes caused me to think deeply and to grow personally. For example, “Education includes the obtaining of wisdom as much as knowledge.” “You perish or go mad if you don’t believe in love. Never get beyond the need to be loved or to give love.” “You’re a unique organ in the body of Jesus Christ. No one can do what you’re appointed to do. We all suffer if you don’t do it.” “If you can’t forgive your parents, you’ll never be an adult.”

GO Steve and I graduated from ĻӰԺ in June 1970 and married in August that year. In the fall, I went to work for Bill Gowler and Ralph Anderson in the Admissions Office while Steve completed a fifth year of study for his lifetime teaching credential. Maria Wolff, director of missions, approached us in September, urging us to attend the December 1970 Urbana Student Missions Conference in Illinois. Maria gave the vision, God miraculously provided the funds, and on December 31, 1970, Billy Graham gave the call. That night we committed ourselves to serving in missions, which we’ve done throughout our lives.

In January 1971, Ralph Anderson told Steve that his church, Calvary Baptist (Conservative Baptist), needed a high school youth director, and he believed Steve was God’s man for the job. Steve interviewed, was approved, and began this part-time job in February. We continued to pray for God’s direction regarding where to serve as missionary teachers.

In March, Rosella Wilson, career program director, asked that we meet with her friend, Chuck Holsinger, superintendent of the Morrison Schools in Taiwan. Our interview resulted in a job offer for fall 1971. Later we learned that Morrison required that we be affiliated with one of four sponsoring mission agencies, including Conservative Baptist (CB)! Bill Gowler arranged a meeting with his longtime friend, who interviewed us for the CB short-term missions program just in time to be accepted before flying to Taiwan in July.

Ralph Anderson, Bob Gundry, Bill Gowler, Alice Meyers, Jan Kingma, Maria Wolf and Rosella Wilson were all FAITHFUL teachers who helped us know the truth of Isaiah 30:21: “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”